Nabdullah azzam brigades pdf merger

Lebanon blasts hit irans embassy in beirut bbc news. There is one person who has always stood by us osama bin laden, declared azzam in one speech he gave in peshawar at his al kifah offices. The group, which began operating in 2009, was founded by saudi saleh alqaraawi and has local networks in various countries, mainly in egypt, iraq, syria, jordan, gaza strip and lebanon. Department of educations national center for education statistics nces. If you enjoy this post you can find more of my writing at foreign exchanges, a substack newsletter covering a variety of topics in history and foreign affairs. Also reproduced with alterations in rubin and rubin, antiamerican terrorism and the middle east, p63. Nov 22, 2010 the abdullah azzam brigades may be an emerging player in the persian gulf landscape. Aab abbreviation stands for abdallah azzam brigades. Defence of the muslim lands the first obligation after iman. State department amendment to the terrorist designations of. The group claimed responsibility for the rocket attacks on hermel lebanons. Abdullah azzam the investigative project on terrorism. Days before the abdullah azzam brigades threat, a lebanese daily reported that the group was planning new attacks in lebanon. His fathers name was mustafa azzam who died a year after his son was assassinated.

The global jihadaffiliated abdullah azzam brigades claimed responsibility for firing rockets from south lebanon into the western galilee on august 22. Abdallah azzam brigades aab the mackenzie institute. The sheikh abdullah azzam faction has claimed the responsibility of peshawar police station attack that killed four policemen including an sho friday morning, geo news reported. It was named after abdullah azzam who was one of the first arabs to volunteer to join the afghan jihad against the soviets. May 24, 2012 aab, based in both lebanon and the arabian peninsula, is responsible for numerous rocket attacks on israeli civilians, the state department said. What is the abbreviation for abdallah azzam brigades. Green brigade province in southern ibb and taiz dormant.

Azzam acknowledged bin ladens largesse numerous times as the financial sponsor of ali kifah. Abduuah azzam may allah accept him as shaheed enghsh translation work done by brothers in ribatt. The abdullah azzam brigades branch in the arabian peninsula calls itself the yusuf aluyayri battalions, named after yusef alayeri, the slain founder of al qaeda in saudi arabia. Abdullah yusuf azzam was born in a village in the north of palestine named selat ai harithia in genine district in the year 1941. Image caption at least 22 died in the attack on irans embassy in beirut in november 20. Al qaeda affiliate looks to new targets in persian gulf. Abdullah azzam brigades names leader, advises against. Abdullah azzam brigades leader calls on lebanese people to attack hezbollah. Designates abdullah azzam brigades the investigative. When the smoke cleared he saw that the car had been blown in two. The abdullah azzam brigades were led by saleh alqaraawi, a saudi veteran of the iraqi insurgency, until june 2012. What is the abbreviation for abdullah azzam brigades.

Myth of the talibanal qaeda merger in afghanistan, oxford university press 2012, p. Abbas ibrahim of spearing the alleged war on sunnis in lebanon, and again urged sunnis to rise up against the lebanese government and its military in a statement issued on jihadist forums on december 24, 2010. A government investigation determined that the japanese vessel m. The attack was meant to challenge hezbollah, part of the leaking of the confrontation leaking between the sunni jihadists and shiite hezbollah from syria into lebanon. Bin ladens al qaeda group declared a formal merger with al zawahiris egyptian. In addition to an overview of the groups main personalities and claims of responsibility, the article aims to explain the group by placing. Internal medicine resident at princes rashid military hospital madridista. Abdallah azzam brigades designated terrorist organization.

Sheikh abdullah azzam brigade claims responsibility of. According to a statement released by the organization, the terrorist attack was perpetrated by its arabian peninsula branch, which refers to itself as the yusuf alayiri companies. The abdullah azzam brigades was formed by saleh al qarawi sometime after 2004 as an offshoot of al qaeda in iraq, and was tasked with hitting targets in the levant and throughout the middle east. Almasri to succeed almajed as head of azzam brigades. You wont enjoy safety until security returns to syria, lebanon peopleyes, and you are going to bring peace and security to the lebanese and syrian people. Lebanon arrests head of abdullah azzam brigades bbc news. Dec 31, 2010 the brigades of abdullah azzam charged col. Another formal merger took place between al qaeda and the libyan islamic fighting.

Books on aqeedah and ilm by ibn taymiyyah abu muhammad al maqdisi and abdullah azzam. Aab, based in both lebanon and the arabian peninsula, is responsible for numerous rocket attacks on israeli civilians, the state department said. The abdullah azzam brigades is a sunni jihadist group linked to alqaeda which, according to the us. The abdullah azzam brigades, 1 an organization affiliated with tehrikitaliban pakistan, alqaeda and the global jihad, claimed responsibility for the terrorist attack august 4, 2010. Further, it is argued by muhammad haniff hassan and mohamed redzuan salleh, that if abdullah azzam was alive at the time, he would not have approved the 911 attacks. Abdullah yusuf azzam was born in 1941 in the palestinian village of silat alharithiya. The groups strategy and aims match alqaida, but it. State department lists abdallah azzam brigades as terror. Azzam s soninlaw, anas, thinks that azzam would have continued his mission to liberate muslim lands from the grip of infidels.

Abdullah azzam brigades aab, also known as brigades of abdullah azzam baa, battalion of yusuf aluyayri, the harakat shabaab almujahidin, tanzim alqaida fi balad ashsham wa ard alkinanah, al qaeda in levant, battalion of ziad aljarrah, kitaib shuhada abullah azzam, the martyr abdullah azzam brigades, kataib shahid abdullah azzam, abdullah azzam martyrs. Full text of defense of the muslim lands by shaikh abdullah. The abdullah azzam brigades, an organization affiliated. Azzam planned to train brigades of hamas fighters in afghanistan, who would then return to. May 25, 2012 the state department has designated the abdullah azzam brigades aab, an islamist terrorist organization with active branches in lebanon and the arabian peninsula, as a foreign terrorist organization. However, the modern faction has no direct links to azzam, who died in 1989. Country reports on terrorism 2017 us department of state. An explosion on an oil tanker in the persian gulf last week was an act of terror, the united arab emirates said on friday. Country reports on terrorism 2018 us department of state. Abdullah azzam palestinian militant leader britannica. The salvo of four rockets, which caused damage but no casualties, was claimed by the abdullah azzam brigades an alqaedalinked terrorist group behind similar rocket fire on israel in 2009 and 2011. Ansar aldine, and the macina liberation front merged conducted targeted.

This paper suggests that indonesias attempt to combine both hard and soft. In gaza strip, the group had used the name marwan haddad division. He was succeeded by majid almajid, a saudi who like qaraawi was named on saudi. Jun 27, 2012 the abdullah azzam brigades was formed by saleh al qarawi sometime after 2004 as an offshoot of al qaeda in iraq, and was tasked with hitting targets in the levant and throughout the middle east. The explosion was witnessed by jamal azzam, abdullah azzams nephew and assistant, who was following azzams car as it passed over the culvert where muzhda had spotted the cleaning crew the day before. The abdullah azzam brigades claimed responsibility for the bombings, according to the twitter page of a cleric linked to the group. The al qaedalinked abdullah azzam brigades aab, which has historically operated throughout the middle east, announced recently that it has dissolved itself inside syria. Nov 19, 20 there have been two suspected suicide bomb attacks near the iranian embassy in lebanons capital, beirut. Groups belonging to the abdullah azzam brigades are plotting explosions and rocket attacks in a lebanese city and its surroundings as well as a main highway leading into beirut, assafir reported on february. Abdullah azzam brigades promises to target iran, hezbollah and israel, less than a fortnight after the death of its leader. His time at the university was key to his future role as leader of alqaeda, not only in influencing his radical views but also in providing him with the skill to market alqaeda.

View abdullah azzams profile on linkedin, the worlds largest professional community. Check it out today and become a subscriber i would guess that most people who know the name abdullah azzam today know it as the name of a terrorist network, the abdullah azzam brigades, a group that. The abdullah azzam brigades is an al qaida affiliated terrorist organization. Oct 14, 2014 the leader of the abdullah azzam brigades aab, an al qaedalinked group, has called on sunnis in lebanon to attack hezbollah, the iranianbacked terrorist organization.

The government of canada announces the addition of the abdullah. There was a loud noise and the car jumped in the air, says jamal azzam. Jun 18, 2009 the explosion was witnessed by jamal azzam, abdullah azzam s nephew and assistant, who was following azzam s car as it passed over the culvert where muzhda had spotted the cleaning crew the day before. His utterances of the need to establish an alqaida alsulba firm foundation is the name bin ladin finally settled on when naming his organization alqaida. Nov 19, 20 image caption at least 22 died in the attack on irans embassy in beirut in november 20. Azzam preached both defensive and offensive jihad by muslims to help the afghan mujahideen against the soviet invaders. The abdullah azzam brigades, which claimed responsibility for the attempted terrorist attack against the oil tanker, is an organization affiliated with global jihad and alqaeda. The organization has been designated as a terrorist organization by israel, the european union, canada, japan, new zealand and the united states. Posts about abdullah azzam brigades written by jewishinfonews because the regime in tehran came to power through revolution, survival is its primary objective and counterrevolution its greatest fear.

The abdullah azzam brigades, or alqaeda in lebanon, arabic. Abdullah azzam brigades civil society knowledge centre. Jul 12, 2017 after nine months of inactivity, the lebanonbased brigades of abdullah azzam resumed issuing propaganda, publishing a statement inciting sunnis in the country against the lebanese army over its raids on syrian refugee camps in arsal. Full text of defense of the muslim lands by shaikh abdullah azzam see other formats defense of the muslim lands the first obligation after iman by dr.

The united states department of state has designated abdallah azzam brigades, or aab, as a foreign terrorist organization, holding it responsible for multiple and indiscriminate rocket attacks on israeli civilians. The abdullah azzam brigades, or alqaeda in lebanon is a sunni islamist militant group, and the alqaedas branch in lebanon. Abdullah azzam, nidaul islam, 14 th issue, julyseptember 1996. Oct 11, 2010 by william tucker the abdullah azzam brigades in lebanon recently issued a statement warning iranian president ahmadinejad to cancel his scheduled visit to the fractured country.

Islamic books by ibn taymiyyah maqdisi and abdullah azzam. Abdullah azzam brigade abdullah azzam brigades the official name is in plural as in the original arabic name and not werldwayd 17. I would guess that most people who know the name abdullah azzam today know it as the name of a terrorist network, the abdullah azzam brigades, a group that claimed responsibility for a recent attack in lebanon and whose leader, majid b. Jun 18, 2009 but many believe that he would have been a moderating force on bin laden, and that his scholarship and charisma would have tempered alzawahiris crazy radicalism. The unmentioned founding father of alqaeda and hamas. Abdullah azzam, a palestinian religious cleric, originally from a small p. Abdullah azzam brigades leader calls on lebanese people to. Azzam is regarded as the onetime spiritual mentor of al qaeda chief osama bin laden. Abdullah azzam brigades names leader, advises against attacks. Idss rsis commentaries middle east and north africa mena terrorism studies. Pdf the inner organizational structure of al qaeda within the expanded. The state department has designated the abdullah azzam brigades aab, an islamist terrorist organization with active branches in lebanon and the arabian peninsula, as a foreign terrorist organization. Abdullah yusuf azzam was born in 1941 in the palestinian village of silat al harithiya.

Sheikh abdullah azzam received his early elementary and secondary school education in his village, and continued his education at the agricultural khadorri college where he obtained a diploma. Aab began operating in pakistan in 2009 as an offshoot of alqaeda in iraq under the leadership of saleh alqaraawi. The department of state has maintained and amended the designation of the abdallah azzam brigades aab as a foreign terrorist organization fto under section 219 of the immigration and nationality act to add the aliases marwan hadid brigades an. Abdullah azzam brigades names leader, advises against attacks in syrias cities. The abdullah azzam brigades aab, or the abdullah azzam shaheed brigades.

This article looks at the growth and evolution of the the abdullah azzam brigades, from the groups egyptian origins through its most recent attack on a japanese tanker in the hormuz straits. The abdullah azzam brigades the hussein bin ali cells are behind the attack on the iranian embassy in beirut, sheikh sirajeddine zuraiqat, the groups religious guide, posted on twitter. Abdullah azzam brigades threaten ahmadinejad in homeland. Identifiers of designated islamic terrorist organizations abdullah azzam brigades emblem.

Sulba firm foundation to export jihad where muslims are persecuted is the name bin laden finally settled on when naming his organization al. He is often referred to as the father of global jihad, and was instrumental in recruiting foreign fighters to afghanistan in the 1980s. On march 7, 2014, abdullah azzam brigades also apologized for civilian. The group, which began operating in 2009, was founded by saudi saleh alqaraawi and has local networks in various countries, mainly in egypt, iraq, syria, jordan, gaza. Aab units have been identified as yusuf aluyayri battalions in the arabian peninsula and ziyad aljarrah battalions of the abdallah azzam brigades in lebanon. Abdullah azzam brigades marwan hadid battalions at its training camp in the syrianlebanese border region in early 2015. Abdullah azzam 19411989 was a palestinian islamist preacher who helped found alqaeda, hamas, and lashkaretaiba. Introduction sheikh abdullah azzam, more than any other cleric, is considered the strategic founder of al. Department of state office of the spokesperson for immediate release media note november 1, 2017.

Aug 06, 2010 an explosion on an oil tanker in the persian gulf last week was an act of terror, the united arab emirates said on friday. To understand bin ladin and those who harbor sympathies to alqaida, as well as their strategic vision it is vital to rediscover azzams books. Organizations hizballah, isis, hamas, and the abdullah azzam brigades. The alqaeda linked brigades stated, the whole of lebanon will tremble if ahmadinejad sets foot in lebanon and we will do the impossible to thwart this conspiracy. The groups strategy and aims match alqaida, but it has a longer reach to carry out attacks than any of the aq franchise branches. Race an indicator of failure american education compiled by lewis loflin in international comparisons of science literacy, u. Defence of the muslim lands the first obligation after iman biography of sheikh abdullah azzam shaheed abdullah yusuf azzam was born in a village in the north of palestine named selat ai harithia in genine district in the year 1941. Abdullah azzam brigades aab, also known as brigades of abdullah azzam baa, battalion of yusuf aluyayri, the harakat shabaab almujahidin, tanzim alqaida fi balad ashsham wa ard alkinanah, al qaeda in levant, battalion of ziad aljarrah, kitaib shuhada abullah azzam, the martyr abdullah azzam brigades, kataib shahid abdullah azzam, abdullah azzam martyrs brigades, alsham spring is. Pdf abdullah azzam brigades claim to be defenders of. Sirajeddine zurayqat, who has been reportedly named the new emir of the aab, called for the antihezbollah attacks in a series of posts on his official twitter feed on oct. Bringing the war into lebanon details featured articles created.

Posts about abdullahazzam brigades written by newsbygonzo. See the complete profile on linkedin and discover abdullahs. His very utterances of the need to establish an al. Abdullah azzam brigades claim to be defenders of sunnis in lebanon. Another tweet said that the rockets have a range of over 40 km. Abdullah azzams bookspart i combating terrorism center at. Under interrogation abbas admitted to the existence of a toyota rav4 rigged with explosives parked in beiruts tariq aljedided, and revealed the existence of other rigge. In addition to an overview of the groups main personalities and claims of responsibility, the article aims to explain the group by placing it in the.

Jan 01, 2014 the abdullah azzam brigades were led by saleh alqaraawi, a saudi veteran of the iraqi insurgency, until june 2012. It was formed for the purpose of hitting targets in the levant and throughout the middle east. In november 1989, azzam was killed by a devastating bomb blast that also killed two of his sons. The abdullah azzam brigades is named after al qaedas cofounder and osama bin ladens mentor. Information obtained by the daily said that the brigades shura council, which is formed of seven members, has already appointed 40yearold almasri, three days after the death of almajed. Aab abbreviation stands for abdullah azzam brigades.

Sheikh abdullah azzam is considered the strategic founder of alqaida. Azzam, collectively entitled tarbiyah jihadiyah jihad education. The marwan hadid brigade is a syrian based extremist jihadist group affiliated to jabhat alnusrah jn and the abdullah azzam brigades and based in the hama region syria. Beirut the lebanese armed forces arrested abdullah azzam brigades commander naim abbas following a period of intense surveillance. Abdullah azzam brigades dissolves itself in syria fdds. Counterterrorism strategies in indonesia, algeria and. The group is named after abdullah azzam, a palestinian who was a major recruiter of mujahedin for the antisoviet jihad in afghanistan in the 1980s and who helped formulate modern salafijihadi theology. The militant sunni group is named for a palestinian close to osama bin laden. The group is also responsible for the july 2010 attack on a japaneseowned oil tanker as it lay at anchor in the strait of hormuz. At 180 metres 590 ft in length, it is the largest private motor yacht in the world. By william tucker the abdullah azzam brigades in lebanon recently issued a statement warning iranian president ahmadinejad to cancel his scheduled visit to the fractured country.

A source close to the abdullah azzam brigades, a lebanese jihadist group linked to al. Are you bringing peace and security to the sunnis in syria and iraq. Nov 19, 20 abdullah azzam brigades and the ziad al jarah brigades are behind the firing of the four rockets, read the statement. Abdullah azzam, with his deputy osama bin laden, founded maktab alkhidamat in 1984 to recruit and assist arabs fighting the soviet invasion of afghanistan. Pdf al qaedas organizational structure and its evolution.

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